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多倫多大學 台灣同學會

Sharing Excitement. Sharing Ideas. Sharing Community.

Our Student Organization consists of getting together on a regular basis in order to share ideas and enjoy activities based on our similar background and common interest. ROCSAUT 多倫多大學 台灣同學會 promotes and expects a non-judgmental and supportive attitude from participants. If you’re interested in joining or would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.



Taiwan Republic of China Student Association at University of Toronto Mississauga 


The Taiwan Republic of China Student Association at the University of Toronto (ROCSAUT) was first founded in 1993. It has grown rapidly and become the largest university Taiwanese club in Eastern Canada. The club is formed by three ROCSAUT groups, UTM ROCSAUT, ROCSAUT UTSG, and ROCSAUT UTSC. Each ROCSAUT team has their own staff teams to coordinate and run regular events focused in different areas, but we do hold large events annually for all ROCSAUT members to collaborate. UTM ROCSAUT aims to provide a platform for students with similar backgrounds or who are interested in the Taiwanese culture to engage in our activities, meet new people and network. 

多倫多大學台灣同學會於1993年成立,在快速的擴增後成為加東地區最具規模的台灣學生組織。多倫多大學台灣同學會是由三個ROCSAUT組織所形成的,包含UTM ROCSAUT, ROCSAUT UTSG, 和 ROCSAUT UTSC。每個組織都有各自的團隊和運行方式,除了會在各自的地區內辦活動外,三個團隊也會在每年共同舉辦規模較大的活動,讓同學們有互相認識的機會。UTM ROCSAUT 歡迎不管是台灣背景或是對台灣文化有興趣的同學們參加我們的社團活動,在過程中找到志同道合的朋友,讓自己豐富的留學生活留下許多精彩的回憶! 

About Us 關於我們: About
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